
Cold Weather Safety Tips for Runners, Walkers, Cyclists & Motorists

Winter is here, meaning less daylight for active residents who will continue to cycle, walk or run despite the weather. Below are a few tips to help maintain a safe environment for our outdoor exercisers in colder weather:

    • Beware – winter weather conditions can make trails and roads slippery.
    • Wear layers of clothing and make sure to dress appropriately to protect yourself from extreme weather conditions.
    • Put your shine on. Wear reflective materials.
    • Use crosswalks instead of crossing mid-block.
    • Make eye-contact with approaching motorists if possible.
    • Carry a phone and any important medical info on you.
    • Don’t wear music headsets or ear buds – be aware of your surroundings.
    • Partner up, either with another person or a dog.
    • Call New Albany police (614-855-1234) of something seems out of the ordinary.
    • Follow the same traffic laws and rules as vehicles.
    • Put your shine on. Use reflective materials on your person and your bike.
    • Wear a helmet.
    • Don’t wear music headsets or ear buds – be aware of your surroundings.
    • Anticipate hazards and slow down accordingly; leaves and weather conditions can make trails slippery.
    • Remember, your bike is not as visible as another vehicle.
    • For additional information on cycling safely, visit
    • Turn on your headlights, particularly during the dawn and dusk hours.
    • Use caution when passing parked or stopped vehicles.
    • Stay alert for cyclists and pedestrians; allow three feet of space between them and your vehicle.
    • Obey the posted speed limit.
    • Yield to pedestrians and cyclists at roundabouts and when turning.



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