
New Albany Investing in Upgraded Traffic Signal Technology in 2019

New Albany expects to install new fiber optic technology on all of its Franklin County traffic signals beginning in mid-2019. This new technology, which meets the guidelines set forth to also receive funding under the Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program, will allow New Albany’s traffic signals to be connected to a regional traffic signal network for central Ohio.

“In short, when this technology is installed, our traffic signals will be able to talk with traffic signals outside of New Albany, helping to move traffic along at a better pace while improving air quality and reducing fuel consumption,” said Mark Nemec, New Albany Public Service Director.

Signals will remain in operation and minimal traffic disruption is expected, although brief lane closures my occur while cable and equipment is being installed.

Questions about the project can be directed to Nemec, who can be reached at

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