
NAPD Officers Commended for Bravery, Sound Decision-Making

At their March 21 meeting, New Albany City Council recognized New Albany Police Sergeant Garrett Fernander, Officer Nate Ferguson and Officer Joe Rehnert with Certificates of Commendation. On February 9, the officers responded to a report of a suicidal man with a gun along Harrison Road. While holding a handgun, the individual approached the officers and subsequently fired a round into the dirt. The officers immediately took cover and attempted to de-escalate the situation. Even though they were prepared with a rifle and handguns, the officers took advantage of an opportunity to fire the less-than-lethal option of bean bag rounds, ultimately gaining the man’s compliance. They were able to take the individual into custody and transport him for treatment.

The officers displayed courage, excellent judgment, and sound tactics to protect themselves, others, and the individual in safely bringing an end to the potentially deadly situation. Their quick decisions likely saved the man’s life. The individual’s family and a witness expressed their appreciation for the actions taken and the professionalism displayed by members of the New Albany Police Department.

The responding officers are commended for their bravery, sound decision-making, and commitment to the department’s mission and values.

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