
Swings Temporarily Removed from Playgrounds

UPDATED November 14, 2023

Our city-owned park swings are back in action! On September 22, we temporarily removed them to address a potentially defective bracket. The process is complete, and all swings have been reinstalled. We appreciate your patience as we ensured the safety of our community’s playtime!

UPDATED October 12, 2023

On September 22, we removed the swings from city-owned park playgrounds due to the possibility of a defective bracket. Our playground contractor is scheduled to begin the process of updating the swing brackets on October 18, and we are hopeful to have all of the swings reinstalled at our playgrounds by mid-November. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we continue to remedy the situation.

September 22, 2023

The City of New Albany has been notified by our playground contractor that there may be a defective piece of equipment in the swings at our parks. Out of an abundance of caution, we have temporarily removed the swings from the playgrounds at Taylor Farm, Byington, James River, Lambton, North of Woods, and Planter’s Grove parks. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to remedy the situation.

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