Resident Survey Results

For the fourth time since 2018, the City of New Albany retained Central Ohio research firm Saperstein Associates to conduct a 2024 Resident Survey. Click here to view the full Saperstein Associates report and click here for the presentation slide deck given to New Albany City Council.

Unlike the earlier surveys, the current research employs two data-collection methodologies. Specifically, 154 adult residents of New Albany were interviewed by telephone (51%), while 146 completed a self-administered online questionnaire (49%). In total, 300 adult residents participated in this study. In recent years, employing multiple data-collection methodologies has become more common as the percentage of potential survey participants who answer their telephone continues to decline.

Feedback Synopsis

Once again, impressions of New Albany among residents are broadly positive, despite the shift in methodology.

  • A majority of residents agree that New Albany is an excellent place to live.
  • Most also agree that New Albany is heading in the right direction and is either an excellent or good place to work.
  • As in past surveys, residents agree that, for City officials, providing City services and amenities should be the highest priority, followed by controlling growth.
  • On most of the City services addressed, at least nine out of ten residents are satisfied. It’s hardly surprising, therefore, that most residents are satisfied with the performance of City officials.
  • The new series of community events and programs was widely attended with many reporting they were very satisfied with the experience.

Quality of Life

  • 91% consider New Albany an excellent or very good place to live
  • 85% believe New Albany is heading in the right direction

City Services

Public Service

  • 98% satisfied with snow removal on main roads
  • 91% satisfied with snow removal in neighborhoods
  • 88% with an opinion are satisfied with leaf collection services
  • 94% satisfied with trash, recycling and waste collection


  • 94% satisfied with police protection
  • 85% with an opinion are satisfied with police outreach programs

Land Use and Community Development (including parks and trails)

  • 87% satisfied with development of public park lands
  • 83% satisfied with maintaining appropriate architectural standards for new construction
  • 86% satisfied with developing and connecting leisure trails
  • 74% satisfied with planning for the future
  • 71% satisfied with recruitment of business to expand the tax base
  • 69% satisfied with managing commercial growth


  • 90% satisfied with communication from the City
  • 63% of residents now follow the City of New Albany on at least one social media platform. Social media and the weekly Connects e-newsletter (subscribe at are the most popular ways that residents receive news and information about New Albany.