New Albany City & Schools Celebrate Partnership at DARE Graduation
The New Albany Police Department and New Albany Plain Township School District celebrated more than 200 DARE graduates today. DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education but the program goes beyond drugs to help students make better decisions in a number of situations related to stress and peer pressure. But...
Drug Drop Box Now Permanently Located at New Albany Police Station
Illegal drugs like heroin, hallucinogens and methamphetamine grab headlines but many would be surprised to know that prescription drugs are abused even more often because they are so much more accessible. Multiple drug websites estimate that more than half of prescription drug abusers, particularly teenagers, get their drugs from a...
Looking for Transportation Alternatives?
If you’re looking for different ways to commute around town, the Gohio program could be a great tool for you to explore ride shares, public busing, trail access and other different ways to get from one place in central Ohio to another.
Facebook Coming to New Albany
Facebook Chooses New Albany International Business Park to Build One of the Most Advanced Data Centers in the World CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE NEWS CONFERENCE Facebook has chosen to build a new data center in the New Albany International Business Park. The company plans to invest $750 million to...
Child Bike Helmet Law in Effect
You may have heard it is now illegal in New Albany for cyclists under 18 to ride their bikes without helmets. This law is about saving lives by creating better habits. Cycling is the leading cause of sports-related head injuries; 75% of all fatal cycling accidents involve a head injury; and...
Market & Main Luxury Apartments Under Construction
Kaufman Development and the Daimler Group are building luxury apartments just west of the Market & Main roundabout in our Village Center. This project will serve empty-nesters who may want to downsize and millennials who love all the activity New Albany has to offer. The project design is expected to produce very few new students for our schools, as there...
New Albany Receives Statewide Recognition for Advancing Healthy Population
The City of New Albany was recognized as one of two cities to receive top honors and designations in the state of Ohio’s Healthy Community Award presented by the Ohio Department of Health’s (ODH) Bureau of Creating Healthy Communities. The award is based on different health concerns a city must...
Planning a Home Addition?
Before beginning any construction, be it a new home addition, patio or deck, garage, pool, fence, or other home improvement project, please contact the community development department at 614.939.2254 to determine if a permit will be necessary. For projects like decks, patios, pools and fences, applicants will need to include:...
New Albany Receives Certificate for Financial Reporting Excellence
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada recently awarded its Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of New Albany. This certificate is the highest form of recognition a city can receive in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. New Albany received it...
Sign Up to Receive CODE RED Emergency Messages
If you would like to receive emergency community messages (any combination of phone calls, emails and text messages) you can do so here.