Business Resources

Bidding Process

Any Requests for Proposals (RFP) or Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for the City of New Albany will be posted below. The absence of any notices below means no RFPs/RFQs are currently solicited.

Current RFP/RFQ Information

Request for Proposals

24-Inch Water Main for Beech Road, Green Chapel Road & Clover Valley Road

Sealed proposals for The City of New Albany’s “24-Inch Water Main for Beech Road, Green Chapel Road, and Clover Valley Road” will be received via Bid Express until 1:00 p.m. local time on October 4th, 2024, and at that time be revealed through the Bid Express online system. All bids will be considered valid until 90 days after the opening date, although not accepted or rejected.

This project consists of furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the construction of approximately 21,640 feet of 24-inch water main, 25 feet of 16-inch water main, 15 feet of 8-inch water main, 1,400 feet of 6-inch water main, 52 fire hydrants, and various incidentals.

The total estimated cost of construction is $12,600,000.00

Hard copies of the Contract Documents and Specifications will not be provided. Contract Documents and Specifications may be obtained from Bid Express only and at costs associated with the Bid Express service fee schedule ( after 8:00 a.m. on September 18, 2024. Payment for these items will not be refunded.

Each bid shall contain the full name and address of each person or company interested in the same and shall be accompanied by a proposal bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the bid, or by a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit for ten percent (10%) of the bid, made payable to the City of New Albany, Ohio, conditioned that if the bid is accepted a Contract will be entered into within 10 days after notice of award. A Contract Bond of One Hundred Percent (100%) of the amount of the Contract with a satisfactory surety company, conditioned according to law, will be required for the faithful performance of the Contract.

Each Bidder must insure that all employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

The Bidder will be required to state in full detail, with his Proposal, his experience in this class work; bids from contractors inexperienced in this particular class of work will not be considered. Information is included in the bid documents.

Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Licking County and the City of New Albany, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Department of Industrial Relations.

The Bidder is required to fill out and where required execute each of the documents outlined in the Information for Bidders section.

Should the contract be awarded, the notice of award will be sent to the lowest and best bidder within 90 days of bid opening. The project is subject to several specific milestones which are described in the contract documents. The project shall be substantially complete within 330 calendar days from the notice to proceed. The Contractor will be required to submit a schedule of construction for the approval by the City of New Albany prior to commencing construction.

The Contractor shall, to the extent possible, use, and shall cause all of his Subcontractors to use, Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in connection with the Project.

The City of New Albany, Ohio, reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including all bids which, in the opinion of the City Engineer, show evidence of unbalancing prices, and also to waive technical defects as the interest of the City of New Albany may require.

By Order of the Council of the City of New Albany, Ohio

Joseph Stefanov

City Manager

City of New Albany, Ohio