Boards and Commissions

Rocky Fork Blacklick Accord Implementation Panel


Evaluate applications for rezoning within the Rocky Fork Blacklick Accord area and make recommendations to the planning body of the jurisdiction in which the land is located (Columbus, New Albany, Plain Township).


No specific qualifications necessary. Preferred background in design, architecture, landscaping, city planning, etc.


Representatives are appointed by the City of Columbus, the City of New Albany, and Plain Township.

  • Todd Brubaker (New Albany appointee)
  • open seat (New Albany appointee)
  • Kyle Sellers (New Albany appointee)
  • David Paul (Columbus appointee)
  • Michele Boni (Columbus appointee)
  • Ralph Smithers, Jr. (Columbus appointee)
  • Jay Herskowitz (Township appointee)
  • Scott Harper (Township appointee)
  • Mike Chappelear (Township appointee)
  • Shallie Pittman Granger (Columbus Planning Staff)
  • Chelsea Nichols (New Albany Planning Staff)
  • Ben Collins (Plain Township Administrator)

Meetings, Agendas, & Minutes

Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m.

Visit the City of Columbus website for minutes, agendas, and more information Rocky Fork Blacklick Panel.