Please register by 9 pm, Tue July 21.
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In this TIGER Talk, you’ll hear from three speakers pursuing different, yet connected career paths. During this talk we will learn about the approach Michael Redd has taken to venture investing and how he’s been making a difference in his hometown of Columbus, Ohio. We’ll learn how Danny Ortiz has channeled his drive and passion is to help and encourage each individual he meets by serving in their development: spiritually, through wellness education, and through community living. Finally, we’ll learn from Manny Larcher, a first generation American and an entrepreneur, now three years in business leading his agency, Stopwatch Creative. We will hear how these three individuals are empowering others, collaborating with each other, and supporting business owners near and far.
Michael Redd has been building, developing and investing in tech-focused startups since he retired from the NBA in 2013. After twelve seasons as a professional basketball player, both in the NBA and as a member of the Gold Medal winning US Olympic team in 2008, Michael has continued a strong drive toward excellence in his focus on ventures off the court. He recently announced his involvement with ADvantage Sports Tech Fund as a venture partner. The fund was designed to invest in 15 early-stage tech companies focused on sports, which include data analytics and athletic performance technology. Michael is also involved in the SnapChat Yellow Accelerator as a mentor and investor, and developing his own venture relationships with his firm 22 Ventures. You can listen to Michael’s podcast “Betting On Yourself” on all platforms. Go to Michael’s website to learn about his podcast and much more.
Danny Ortiz is a husband of 19 years and the father of three incredible girls. His drive and passion is to awaken and help develop the personal identity of this generation. Danny desires to help and encourage each individual he meets by serving in their development, spiritually, in community, wellness, and education. Danny is founder and leader of The Wave Columbus.
Manny Larcher enjoys helping others find purpose in their work. With Stopwatch Creative, he leads strategy and execution, driving a positive ROI for their clients. Stopwatch Creative is a full-service agency specializing in digital transformation delivering results in data storytelling, UI/UX, website/app and brand development, experiential marketing, mergers and acquisitions, and more. In addition, Manny is passionate about serving others and building under-served communities through his ongoing Collaborate and Elevate events series and web platform.
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