A Celebration for Everyone

Diwali Celebration

Celebrate with Us

Diwali 2025

Make plans to join us at the Hinson Amphitheater on Saturday, October 18 from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. for our 2025 Diwali Celebration! This “Festival of Lights” symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil.  The free event is open to the entire community and will include music, dancing, food, and fireworks! Fireworks are scheduled to start at approximately 7:20 p.m. This event is an IDEA Implementation Panel Initiative. 

Colorful rangoli design with intricate patterns in red, orange, and yellow hues, featuring circular and floral motifs.


One popular aspect of Diwali is Rangoli—a colorful art form featuring intricate and colorful patterns made from rice flour, colored sand, flower petals, or even chalk. We’re inviting families to create Rangoli patterns in their homes the week of October 12 and to share the designs on social media using #NewAlbanyOhio.

City Council Recognizes October as Hindu Heritage Month

At their October 1, 2024 meeting, New Albany City Council recognized October as Hindu Heritage Month to celebrate the contributions of the Hindu community and to support Hindu residents of New Albany. October is significant because it is often when major Hindu holidays such as Navaratri and Diwali are celebrated, and it is also the birth month of Mahatma Gandhi. 

A group of people is standing indoors, posing for a photo in front of American flags and a window. Some individuals are holding certificates.

Photos from the 2023 Celebration