Hunger Happens Everywhere Even in New Albany. Join us in supporting the Healthy New Albany Food Pantry Today. #HungerActionMonth.

Community, News

Why Hunger Action Month is Important in New Albany

Despite our area’s thriving economy, growing infrastructure, and expanding schools, there are still families in need. The Healthy New Albany Food Pantry sees firsthand the impact of food insecurity within the New Albany community every day.

In 2023, the Healthy New Albany Food Pantry supported:

  • 372 families
  • 1,310 individuals (40% children, 10% seniors)
  • Provided 220,000 meals, including 25,400 summer meals
  • Delivered “break boxes” to nearly 300 students
  • Made 120 referrals to resources and helped 70 individuals through their English Language Learning (ELL) programs

Already in 2024, the New Albany Food Pantry has served nearly 100 new families!

This month, the Healthy New Albany Food Pantry invites you to get involved by hosting a food drive, volunteering, or donating directly to the Pantry to help make an even greater impact.

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