Informal Planning Commission Meeting

Village Hall

The Planning Commission hears applications for land use, zoning classifications, recommends legislative actions, reviews legislation, rules, and regulations re: city planning, land use, and zoning. Informal Meetings (I) are held at Village Hall (99 W. Main Street) the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Regular meetings (R) are held at Village Hall (99 […]

Informal Planning Commission Meeting

Village Hall

The Planning Commission hears applications for land use, zoning classifications, recommends legislative actions, reviews legislation, rules, and regulations re: city planning, land use, and zoning. Informal Meetings (I) are held at Village Hall (99 W. Main Street) the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Regular meetings (R) are held at Village Hall (99 […]

Lift Like a Girl: Winter Session (Grades 8-10)

Philip Heit Center 150 W. Main St New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

During this multi-week program Beth Morrison* will teach girls the fundamentals of strength and conditioning while increasing physical fitness for functional and athletic performance. Classes will utilize free weights, fitness equipment and bodyweight exercises to improve overall fitness and build well-rounded athletes. Special attention will be given to proper equipment use, form, injury prevention and […]

Lift Like a Girl: Winter Session (Grades 6-7)

Philip Heit Center 150 W. Main St New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

During this multi-week program Beth Morrison* will teach girls the fundamentals of strength and conditioning while increasing physical fitness for functional and athletic performance. Classes will utilize free weights, fitness equipment and bodyweight exercises to improve overall fitness and build well-rounded athletes. Special attention will be given to proper equipment use, form, injury prevention and […]

So You Want To… Be an Angel Investor?

INNOVATE NEW ALBANY 3rd Floor 7775 Walton Parkway New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

Come at 6 pm to interact with our panel members & your fellow participants. Enjoy light bites & make new connections. "So You Want To ?" is a new event series designed for people eager to explore new professional opportunities, including new gigs, side hustles, investor roles, board roles, or other innovative pathways. Each event […]


Sycamore Wellness 24 S High St New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

Ideal for anyone feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or struggling with addictive behaviors, including family members and others requiring tools to cope with loved ones experiencing addiction. Join us as we explore a gentle and compassionate path to well-being through the holistic benefits of mindful movement, breathing, restorative postures, and stillness. CARE understands that recovery is not […]

City Council Meeting

City of New Albany Village Hall 99 W. Main St New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

New Albany City Council regularly meets at Village Hall the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. City council may hold special council meetings and workshops, as needed. They may cancel a meeting due to lack of agenda items. Notices of special meetings and workshops will be posted on the city's website […]

Tai Chi – Winter Session

Philip Heit Center Meeting Room on the first floor 150 W. Main St. New Albany, OH

Combining traditional Tai Chi Form patterns with basic foundational techniques and incorporating movements from Qi Gong, Tai Chi with Christopher will offer participants the benefits of enhanced balance and stability, strength, and flexibility, all while moving at a gentle and slow pace. Non-impact in its nature, Tai Chi is suitable for anyone looking for a […]

Lift Like a Girl – Starting Strength Winter Session (Grades 5-6)

Philip Heit Center 150 W. Main St. New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

"Lift Like a Girl: Starting Strength" will teach girls the fundamentals of strength training in a safe, supportive environment. The focus will be on building strength and improving overall fitness. There will be an emphasis on teaching proper form and technique of body weight exercises that will be the foundation to later progress to strength […]

The Vietnam War and How Music Influenced Youth, Politics, and Military Strategy

New Albany Library 200 Market Street New Albany, OH

THE VIETNAM WAR AND HOW MUSIC INFLUENCED YOUTH, POLITICS, AND MILITARY STRATEGY February 5 (Wednesday) -- 7:00 p.m. New Albany Library, 200 Market Street, New Albany. Presentation by NAPTHS member David Gerhardt. Event is free and open to the public.

Lift Like a Girl: Winter Session (Grades 8-10)

Philip Heit Center 150 W. Main St New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

During this multi-week program Beth Morrison* will teach girls the fundamentals of strength and conditioning while increasing physical fitness for functional and athletic performance. Classes will utilize free weights, fitness equipment and bodyweight exercises to improve overall fitness and build well-rounded athletes. Special attention will be given to proper equipment use, form, injury prevention and […]

Lift Like a Girl: Winter Session (Grades 6-7)

Philip Heit Center 150 W. Main St New Albany New Albany, OH, United States

During this multi-week program Beth Morrison* will teach girls the fundamentals of strength and conditioning while increasing physical fitness for functional and athletic performance. Classes will utilize free weights, fitness equipment and bodyweight exercises to improve overall fitness and build well-rounded athletes. Special attention will be given to proper equipment use, form, injury prevention and […]