
You Shared. We Planned. Now, Give Us Your Feedback.

The City of New Albany will share its progress and gather feedback on the Engage New Albany Strategic Plan Update on Thursday, January 16, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the New Albany Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Meeting Room #1. Families are welcome.

New Albany’s latest Strategic Plan Update is designed to create a shared vision for the future that improves the City’s quality of life and protects investment for the long term. As a master-planned community, New Albany collaborates with residents and businesses throughout the process to achieve an outstanding community of choice. The plan addresses pedestrian-friendly amenities, parks and open spaces, mixed-use environments, connectivity, quality architecture, traditional neighborhoods, strategic economic development and purposeful environmental sustainability.

The plan is the key policy guide for City Council, boards and commissions and staff in evaluating land use, development and infrastructure decisions as well as public investment and private development. Since the City’s first master plan was adopted in 1998, it has been updated every five years.

To date, the City has received input from more than 1,000 people at a workshop this Summer, mobile meetings, neighborhood gatherings, surveys and a series of roundtable discussions. The plan is expected to be completed in Spring 2020.

Under the direction of the Community Development Department, an internal working group led by the planning, urban design and landscape architecture firm, MKSK, oversees the process. A steering committee made up of representatives of neighborhoods, businesses, government agencies, community groups and local institutions guides the plan’s development.

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