
Ganton Parkway RFP

Click here to view the Ganton Parkway RFP.


Questions and follow-up staff answers resulting from posting this RFP:


10/21/2022        Question           I was wondering if there was a budget for the subject project?
10/24/2022        Answer             Based on rough calculations of similar projects in our area as well as considering inflation, we are estimating a construction cost of approximately $30,000,000.00 for Ganton Parkway Extension


10/27/2022        Question           Inquiring about the properties shown on exhibit A at Babbit and Worthington. The Exhibit shows an alignment going through existing homes.

10/27/2022        Answer             The exhibit is conceptual only and is solely to show the connection points at existing Ganton Parkway and Theisen Rd. The alignment should not go through the existing homes at Babbit and Worthington Roads.


10/27/2022        Question           On page 5, item (3a) says to “Identify contracts the firm is currently taking of a similar nature (i.e. traffic calming, data analysis, and traffic solutions)…” and traffic calming is not identified anywhere else in the RFP.

10/27/2022        Answer             Traffic calming is not mentioned in the RFP and is not required for this particular project due to the nature of the typical section of the proposed Ganton Parkway Extension.

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