
Take the Pledge to Pick Up After Your Pet

There are an estimated 277,000 dogs in Franklin County alone that produce around 104 tons of poop per day. It’s important that we pick it up not only for cleanliness but also to prevent contaminants from entering our waterways. If dog poop is not cleaned up, it can kill the grass. When it rains, it is washed into our storm drains and waterways. 

Why is pet waste a problem for waterways?  

Dog poop is high in nutrients and bacteria including e. Coli. These nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, will dissolve in water. Excessive nutrients in waterways causes algal growth, which depletes the amount of oxygen in a body of water, and in turn can cause problems for the critters and fish that live in our waterways. Dog poop containing worms or parasites can even spread worms and parasites to other animals. Plus, nobody wants to dodge dog poop piles. We have a simple solution: Practice PUP = Pick Up Poop.  

What is the best way to dispose of dog waste?  

The recommended and easiest way to dispose of dog poop is to pick it up with a bag or pooper scooper and dispose of it in the trash.

Do NOT try to compost dog poop in your backyard compost pile. Your pile will not get hot enough to break down the bacteria found in dog poop.

You CAN flush pet waste down the toilet, but we don’t recommend it if you have a septic tank. Do not flush any plastic bags if you choose this method.

Take the pledge for a FREE gift!  

Are you committed now? Our partners at Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District invite you to take the PUP pledge to receive a FREE dog poop bag dispenser that attaches to a leash. They’re handy for practicing PUP.  Click here to take the pledge.


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