Infinite Church Fall Fest

Infinite Church 175 East Main Street New Albany, OH 43054

Join Infinite Church for our Fall Fest which includes Trunk or Treat for the kids, a Chili Cook-off, games, candy, prizes and watching the OSU game! This event is free and we welcome everyone to join us!

Trick or Treat

New Albany, OH 43054

New Albany Trick or Treat will be held on Sunday, October 31st from 4:00pm- 6:00pm. For more information go to

New Albany Plain Local Joint Parks District Board Meeting

All meetings begin at 6:00 pm, unless otherwise noted, and are held at the New Albany Parks and Recreation Office @7860 Bevelhymer Road, New Albany, OH 43054. These meetings are open public meetings.

New Albany City Council Meeting

Village Hall 99 W. Main Street New Albany, OH 43054 (or virtual meeting)

New Albany City Council is scheduled to meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 pm. Anyone interested in attending public meetings of our City Council or Boards and Commissions can attend these meetings online. Click here to find a schedule and directions for logging into upcoming meetings.

Architectural Review Board Meeting

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 Access Code: 148-194-461

The Architectural Review Board meets the 2nd Monday of each month. New Albany residents interested in attending any public meetings of New Albany City Council or Boards and Commissions can attend online. Click here for a schedule of upcoming meetings and login information.

Ambassador Committee Meeting

FPL Financial Strategies, LLC 7795 Walton Parkway, Ste. 150 New Albany, OH 43054

Ambassadors Committee Meeting

New Albany Symphony Wine Soiree

Home of Irv and Karen Dennis

Join us for a beautiful evening of exquisite wines and a live performance by New Albany Symphony musicians at the home of Irving and Karen Dennis. The evening includes a wine tasting, small bites, a luxury wine auction and the opportunity to purchase the wines being sampled. For additional information, click here.

Virtual TWIG of Nationwide Children’s Hospital Bazaar


This year the 99th Annual Virtual TWIG Bazaar will be a silent auction, raffle and pick-a-prize format designed to highlight the talented and creative handmade crafts of the members of TWIG of Nationwide Children's Hospital. Website goes live on November 14 and closes November 28, 2021. Event.Gives/TWIGBazaar

New Albany City Council Meeting

Village Hall 99 W. Main Street New Albany, OH 43054 (or virtual meeting)

New Albany City Council is scheduled to meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 pm. Anyone interested in attending public meetings of our City Council or Boards and Commissions can attend these meetings online. Click here to find a schedule and directions for logging into upcoming meetings.

Implicit Bias Part 1

Virtual training session.

Implicit Bias Part 1 Interrupt Bias in the moment and learn how to mold and break everyday bias. 2021 Monthly Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Training The New Albany Chamber presents free monthly Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Training sessions throughout 2021. The sessions are free and can be attended as stand-alone events or consecutively. Why this […]

Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration

Market Square New Albany, OH, United States

Kick off the holiday season at the annual New Albany community Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration, presented by the New Albany Chamber, Sunday, November 21, 2021, 2:00pm-5:30pm at Market Square, New Albany. Free family fun includes pictures with Santa, horse and carriage rides, live entertainment, holiday bounce houses, skating snowflakes, stilt-walker, juggler, Frozen characters, face painters, […]