New Albany Plain Local Joint Parks District Board Meeting

All meetings begin at 6:00 pm, unless otherwise noted, and are held at the New Albany Parks and Recreation Office @7860 Bevelhymer Road, New Albany, OH 43054. These meetings are open public meetings.

New Albany City Council Meeting

Village Hall 99 W. Main Street New Albany, OH 43054 (or virtual meeting)

New Albany City Council is scheduled to meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 pm. Anyone interested in attending public meetings of our City Council or Boards and Commissions can attend these meetings online. Click here to find a schedule and directions for logging into upcoming meetings.

New Albany Community Update

The Estate at New Albany

The New Albany Chamber of Commerce presents the New Albany Community Update breakfast Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at The Estate at New Albany. This highly anticipated annual event provides a unique opportunity to hear New Albany community leaders recap the past year and share an insiders' perspective on the current and future state of New […]

Architectural Review Board Meeting

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 Access Code: 148-194-461

The Architectural Review Board meets the 2nd Monday of each month. New Albany residents interested in attending any public meetings of New Albany City Council or Boards and Commissions can attend online. Click here for a schedule of upcoming meetings and login information.

Being Civil in a Diverse Workplace

Virtual meeting session.

Being Civil in a Diverse Workplace It's not always a given that you will like the people that you work with, but it is still necessary to be civil to one another in order to maintain an environment conducive for working. In this session, participants will explore various techniques for overcoming conflict, bullying and rudeness. […]

New Albany City Council Meeting

Village Hall 99 W. Main Street New Albany, OH 43054 (or virtual meeting)

New Albany City Council is scheduled to meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 pm. Anyone interested in attending public meetings of our City Council or Boards and Commissions can attend these meetings online. Click here to find a schedule and directions for logging into upcoming meetings.

City Council Candidate Forum

New Albany-Plain Local Schools Annex Building

The New Albany Chamber of Commerce invites the community to the New Albany City Council Candidate Forum Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at the NAPLS Annex Building, 55 N. High St, New Albany, OH 43054. The doors will open at 6:30pm and the forum will be 7:00pm 8:00pm. There are 5 candidates running for 4 open […]

Prescription Drug Takeback Day

Plain Township Fire Department 9500 Johnstown Road New Albany 193 Ohio St, Mount Vernon, OH, United States

Help save a life by turning in your unused and undesired pill medications. New Albany-area residents can turn in undesired pill and capsule medications at the Plain Township Fire Station (9500 Johnstown Road) on Saturday, October 23, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Only pills and capsules will be collected; liquid medications and syringes cannot […]

Trunk or Treat

Bevelhymer Park Green Zone 7860 Bevelhymer Road, New Albany, OH 43054

Join New Albany Parks and Recreation as we host our first ever Trunk or Treat! Wear your best costume and trick or treat through our parking lot to play games and get some candy. Trunks Needed: We need local businesses, non-profits, teams, or volunteers to decorate their trunks/tables and provide candy, goodies, and/or games for […]

Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting

Meetings are held at Village Hall (99 W. Main Street) the 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.