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Learn How to Make an Impact and get a Tax Credit-Information Session

February 10 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Reduce your state tax liability and make a meaningful impact on the lives of deserving students in your community. Join local tax professionals Missy Dejene, CPA, Principal of Tax Services at Brixey & Meyer, and Nikki S. Mesnard, Esq. of Mesnard Law Office, and learn how you can receive a credit on your Ohio income tax return ($750 per donor or up to $1,500 if married and filing jointly) by giving to education institutions through Ohio’s Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO) tax program.
In addition to explaining and answering all your questions about Ohio’s SGO, the tax experts will provide insight on navigating the complexities of your 2024 tax filing.
February 10th at 6:00 p.m.
Marburn Academy’s Campus
9555 Johnstown Rd. New Albany, Ohio 43054
Click HERE to Register